Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Student Village: Munich, Germany

The Olympic Village used for the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Germany is composed of two housing complexes. In the main terraced buildings, made famous by the hostage situation, the male athletes were housed. After the games these units were sold as condominiums. In the other section there were a series of bungalows for the female athletes. Today, these bungalows form a student housing village. Each of the units is basically a cement block. But what makes them so unique is that each resident is free to paint at will the exterior. Their house becomes their canvas.

The result is a labyrinth of color and personality. It is achieves the often difficult task of humanizing large-scale public housing projects - though I doubt it was ever an official policy. Just thought I would share a few of the photographs while I am still getting settled in.

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